The climate change group at Kopila Valley School is dedicatedly working to tackle climate change and aims to have a meaningful influence on society. This article showcases the efforts of the climate change group, which is a part of our sustainability club, involving surveys within the community, engaging with locals, and gathering data on rainfall patterns.

Recently, we conducted a survey targeting farmers to collect their viewpoints on climate change. Each team member completed 10 surveys with seasoned agricultural professionals. Through hearing farmers discuss the obstacles posed by climate change to their farming methods, our survey revealed that 9 out of 10 farmers encountered issues related to irrigation, reduced production yields, unpredictable rainfall, and crop damage caused by strong winds. This demonstrates the effectiveness of surveys in capturing individuals' perspectives on the effects of climate change.

Talking with people is the best way to make society aware of climate change. We went to the local community to talk about climate change with people, covering small areas. Our group believes that journeys of a thousand miles start with one step, so we are making small steps to create change in society. In the community, we talked with people about climate change, and they shared their personal feelings on it. To make everyone aware of climate change, we think this kind of interaction needs to be done on a larger scale. So, we believe this can be another convenient way to raise awareness about climate change.

We learned many things about rainfall patterns. To understand physically how rainfall patterns are measured and what tools are used, we went to the local weather station to gain basic knowledge about the tools they use, such as barometers, rain gauges, and oktas. We also collected rainfall data over a period of 30 years. Since this data was not available at the weather station, we obtained it from the Meteorology Office in Kohalpur. Then we visualized the data using online tools. That's how we learned many things about rainfall patterns.
Every day, our climate change group is working hard, hoping to make significant contributions to society through community surveys, local interactions, and collecting rainfall pattern data. Catching the eye of the local government on climate change and its impact on the environment is a crucial component of our climate change work. What have you done to address climate change?
Grade: X
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